None of the injustices committed will be repared, but all of them will be forgotten. Milan Kundera.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Various presentations

Almost, almost... in seven hours, I'll be in the plane to Spain... hm, how happy. I've got the baggage almost done, the office drivers are taking me to the airport... I've managed to pay the change penalty of the ticket... I wonder what will be wrong, because normal trips don't exist.
Well, the bunch of Spanish that will be in the plane is not normal enough. Between three and four, we will be all there in the airport, I guess we will be able to make a party with the Penedés wine by courtesy of Iberia (or something finer for those flying in bussines. Nota bene: Remember to pass the Iberia card, I've got almost ten thousand points...).

But I wasn't writting to say this, really. I wanted to speak about spam mails, those that are strange chains... this week I've received to limit examples. The ones that I receive from people from work already fed me up emoguh, and don't usually don't opne them. But about this issue, we could have a discussion about the nature of my office and if its a cultural thing, at least to a certain extend, and therefore I should be more respectful or not (for example, when I am told that there are two guys that cure people from cancer by only making them eat raw food...). I'm usually more attracted about those coming from Europe.

You can already find in Facebook the same messages that used to arrive in hotmail some time ago: Hotmail is closing down!!!!! Send this email to all your contacts (don't mind if you have a few) to stop them closing!!! But, let's see... if you send, let's say, three hundred emails like this, of course they are closinf, because you are going to fill the servers with junk!! Fortunately, arrived to the ground the allmighty Google qith its evergrowing accounts, and all this mails stopped (anyway, I'm waiting someday: Google is closing down!!!). Facebook is supposed to be closing because there's a lot of people without photo... I do encourage all of you to complete your profiles, not because they are closing (they are making serious bussines over there), but because it is a good network to which be connected (andanyway, google already knows all our data.. some people more won't hurt). I've had some cuorious running into's... I that have this shepard soul, love to know where people is and what they are doing, and it makes easier to find common friends. Although, the facebook friends could be enough for another post, I think.

The other spam mail that I have received has been much more gruesome and has bothered me much more. Silly me, I've opened it against my own rule. It was a presentation with photos of a car accident with the aim of sensibilizating about how dangerous is to drink and drive. I do agree in the message, but not in the form. First, the accident shown is not an alcohol accident, at least not in the circumstances described in the presentation, because the text speaks about a party in the night and the accident is in broad daylight. Further, there are no two cars, as it says, there's only one, under a truck. Besides an stupid and melodramatic text (of course, with a terrific grammar and syntax), there's a moment in which the photographer arrives to the supposed driver of the car, of course very very severed if not dead. The lack of respect that this photo means is outrageous. And it's not only the fact of taking it, but afterwards using it in a presentation! And sending it to a bunch of unknown people!! With the tragic tone of the text, the stupid who wrote the text could maybe have though that, besides that the girl loves her family a lot, the last thing she wants to see in this world is not a asshole taking pictures of her dying. On the other hand, the photos are moved, I expect the photographer was punched in the liver when taking them.
And I don't want to think in the girl's family.
I remember a post by Pilimindrina (unfortunately, she abandonned her blog long ago, at least with this name) in which her spoke about her best friend, who had died in a car accident. A photographer had taken a photo, and his mother had seen it. It's not that you are respecting or not some one's death, but the pain you can cause to the person's family. This free pain is big enough not to take this kind of photos. But no, they do it. And they use them in presentations that go around the world. i haven't seen it till the end, I hope at the end it doesn't say: "send it to eight hundred friends or you will suffer the same luck"

Conclusion: The lack of respect for people is outrageous. How can world go better if people don't recognize the other as people ans not just as things...

And to close, let's return to the merry tone of the beggining. I wanted to leave you with a doc, but I can't find it. While I look for it, I leave you with the promise of finding it... about all the things that could close if you don't forward it.
The next post, from la piel de toro.

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