None of the injustices committed will be repared, but all of them will be forgotten. Milan Kundera.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Lilith in the Desert

Well, it was above time to make it public.
It's less than a month left, and a lot of you already now, although I suspect there are some that's not clear at all... yeap, Lilith leaves the New Worls and comes back to the Old one. Except that what she leaves is not exactly new and where she goes is not exactly Old, but what's undeniable is the change of air. From Perelin, the Nightly Forest to Goad, the Desert of Colores... literally.

Truly, it's my destiny. I am told that my grand grand father was there, that my grand father was there, and I know for sure that my father was there. Obviously, it's my brother's fault.

And selling the car, and packing the books, and having twelve more farewell parties...
The desert
And closing the house, and packing the glasses, and buying some fabrics... 
A new job. And saying goodbye to everyone, and be sure of having everyone's email, and trying and not count the days left.... A different country. A new language... actually, two.
Uff, it's only four weeks left.
And the million dollar questions is still to be answered.

Again on the move, with plans and not knowing if it's reasonable to have them. Knowing that there's the nerve, and that my claw could still be another turn of the screw sharper. Every time less scared, because you get used to it... and it's weird to get used to teh change, but it's been a long time since I chose it.

This week I've received two more or less openly this two songs:

I wonder, and I answer myself, but I do not know anymore if what Ii say is the truth or what I want to hear.

I predict it's going to be a full-of-emotions-month, that will end up with me writting on a plain, one again headed to the unknown. But you don't really need to be Nostradamus to predict this.

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