None of the injustices committed will be repared, but all of them will be forgotten. Milan Kundera.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Counting hours in both directions

You cannot imagine the incredible coincidence this all represents. Since the moment your feet tread my space, the unknown wheels of fate started to work. Although I had sworn it wouldn't happen again. Although it was as clear as pure water. In spite of everything, the coincidence circle is closing again and again.
I only followed my impulse, Mr. Agent. Nothing else.
I know that, as I always do, I shall not do what I truly feel like, because I am scared. I am scared of what might happen, I am scared of having you close to me and of missing you; I shall close my mouth, clench my teeth and stop tears.
Only afterwards will I think what could have it been. Later, once the coincidence will have taken you far for who knows how much time, and minutes will start devouring sensations.
I am counting hours in both directions; to the future that runs far from me and to the past, that comes rapidly.

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